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heavy weight

  • Martial Combat - gra sieciowa

    Scena MMA i K-1

    [...] Feather Weight 120-160 lbs Light Weight 161-200 lbs Welter Weight 201-240 lbs Middle Weight 241-280 lbs Light Heavy Weight 281-320 lbs Heavy Weight 321-360 lbs Super heavy Weight 361-400 lbs -Są turnieje stylowe- czyli jest podział tak jak w wagowych tylko że na style i zawodnicy walczą tylko w grupie swego stylu -Są turnieje w których [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 393 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-11-04 22:00:12 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • DIETA - Zrób To Sam(a)

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    Witam ponownie. Rozchodzilo mi sie o wyliczenie tej pierwszej fazy diety. Zeby moc skorygowac diete musze wiedziec jak moj organizm na nia reaguje. Lecz jak narazie zatrzymalem sie na samych poczatkowych wyliczenia ;] i ciagle mam duzo watpliwosci co do ich poprawnosci -> jakbym nie wyliczyl zawsze wychodzi mi okolo 2 do 3 gram tluszczu na [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 588 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-10-19 11:25:18 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Trening na CKD-zajrzyj

    Trening w domu

    [...] (8). During the initial stage of a ketogenic diet, ketones may provide up to 20% of the total energy yield during exercise (9). After adaptation, even under conditions of heavy ketosis, ketones rarely provide more than 7-8% of the total energy yield which is a relatively insignificant amount (10,11,12). Generally, protein use during aerobic [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 33 Ilość wyświetleń: 17308 Data: 2003-08-26 23:10:35 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Fachowcy od zywienia prosze o pomoc!!!!!!!!

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] 2.5 to 3 mph, garage work, electrical trades, carpentry, restaurant trades, house cleaning, child care, golf, sailing, table tennis Moderate Walking 3.5 to 4 mph, weeding and hoeing, carrying a load, cycling, skiing, tennis, dancing Heavy Walking with load uphill, tree felling, heavy manual digging, basketball, climbing, football, soccer Robert

    Odpowiedzi: 57 Ilość wyświetleń: 5693 Data: 2003-08-20 20:31:28 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • HST, dieta i kobiety ;-)

    Trening w domu

    [...] period). So within a 2 week rep cycle, diet 10 days while training standard HST (Mon through the following Tuesday) then do 4 hypercaloric days to coincide with the last 2 heavy workouts. If you wanted to do cardio, you could do it after weights, or on the off days. So: Mon: diet, lift Tue: diet, cardio Wed: diet, lift Thu: diet, cardio Fri: [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 63 Ilość wyświetleń: 8831 Data: 2003-08-11 11:11:02 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Physical Attributes for BJJ

    Scena MMA i K-1

    Znalazlem ciekawy tekst o BJJ. Polecam. The Development of Physical Attributes Specific to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a very practical and functional style of martial arts. Heavy emphasis is placed upon a person's ability to perform on the mat. Regardless of what a student knows, most are judged by their performance on the mat. [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 3 Ilość wyświetleń: 2707 Data: 2003-07-31 01:22:18 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Saku przed GP

    Scena MMA i K-1

    [...] He would sometimes be less than 80kg after a hard workout so this is a big increase in weight for him. However, according to his training partner, Matsui, "He feels very heavy when he pins you. I could reverse him before but not now. He hasn't lost any speed, either." Even Sakuraba himself could feel the difference: "I don't get reversed [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 1 Ilość wyświetleń: 1228 Data: 2003-07-20 14:58:44 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] model) Barrel length: 533 mm (431 mm for "Para" model) Weight: 4.45 kg empty (3.77 kg empty for "Para" models) Magazine capacity: 20 rounds (30 rounds for heavy barreled SAW versions) Rate of fire: 650-700 rounds per minute Pozdrawiam. "...we just want our country to love us as much as we love it!..."

    Odpowiedzi: 240 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-07-10 22:38:47 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • suplementy na rzezbe

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] brief compared to frequency of training a particular muscle. Muscle protein synthetic rate (MPS) is elevated in humans by up to 50% at about 4 hours following a bout of heavy resistance training, and by 109% at 24 hours following training. A study done by Macdougall (MacDougall et al 1995) further examined the time course for elevated muscle [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 41 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-07-08 20:52:51 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] cycle, and the weeks beyond. Not all of us will gain this type of weight during a cycle, but those of us who use a high protein / high calorie diet in conjunction with heavy weight lifting, accompanied by a medium to high dosed androgenic (i.e., Dianabol, Testosterone, Trenbolone (Finaplix or Component T-H)) steroid cycle, will almost [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 29 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-07-07 14:57:21 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Znowu alkohol

    Trening w domu

    [...] drink . Not only does alcohol put the brakes on fat loss, it's also one of the most effective ways to slash your testosterone levels. Just a single bout of heavy drinking raises levels of the muscle-wasting hormone cortisol and increases the breakdown of testosterone for up to 24 hours . The damaging effects of alcohol on [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 5 Ilość wyświetleń: 2408 Data: 2003-07-02 10:30:11 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • odp. na pare pytan..pliss.... :/

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] brief compared to frequency of training a particular muscle. Muscle protein synthetic rate (MPS) is elevated in humans by up to 50% at about 4 hours following a bout of heavy resistance training, and by 109% at 24 hours following training. A study done by Macdougall (MacDougall et al 1995) further examined the time course for elevated muscle [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 21 Ilość wyświetleń: 3091 Data: 2003-06-27 17:40:14 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • wyniki TS z Arnold Classic 2003

    Aktualności - Sporty Siłowe

    tutaj są jeszcze ciekawsze rezultaty 2003 WPO Finals (Arnold Classic) Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships Columbus, Ohio, USA, February 28 - March 1, 2003 Powerlifting Light weight: --------------------- 1. Ron Palmer-------72,62 kg---357,5 kg--215 kg----312,5 kg--->885 kg (Alltime WR) 2. Tony Conyers-----74,50 kg---350 kg-----202,5 [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 12 Ilość wyświetleń: 3882 Data: 2003-04-17 10:23:11 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • PRIDE 25

    Scena MMA i K-1

    Fedor is the new Pride Heavy Weight champion. Unanimous decision! ******LE TO heheeheheheh ...Thermogenics and fat loss suplements investigator... ...Jesus Christ forgave the bastards. But I can't. I hate them....

    Odpowiedzi: 209 Ilość wyświetleń: 16001 Data: 2003-03-16 13:39:21 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Myo-Blast - anaboliczna rewolucja?

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] players, powerlifters and previously untrained subjects. Quadricep muscle volume of all subjects was measured by magnetic resonance imaging before and after nine weeks of heavy weight training of the knee extensors. Subjects were grouped and compared by degree of response and by ethnicity. There were several genetic coding sequence [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 59 Ilość wyświetleń: 8157 Data: 2003-02-23 00:37:38 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • 30 kłamstw w kulturystyce.

    Trening dla zaawansowanych

    [...] in the next few days might constitute overtraining. If you truly work your quads to absolute fiber-tearing failure, doing another power workout the next day that entails heavy bench-presses or deadlifts is going to, in all probability, inhibit gains. After a serious leg workout, your whole system mobilizes to heal and recover from the blow [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 46 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2003-02-07 09:52:30 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • autorytet medyczny

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] water stimulates the appetite to increase caloric consumption." Indeed, there are suggestions that swimming doesn't cause the same drop in appetite that accompanies heavy running and cycling training. Many people feel extremely hungry after training in the pool, and may simply replace all the calories they've burned with a large [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 14 Ilość wyświetleń: 2716 Data: 2003-01-20 23:00:27 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • sprint bardziej efektowny od aerobow?

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    [...] body to begin to use more fat for fuel and less sugar during aerobic work. Lower intensity aerobic sessions also prevent drastic swings in blood sugar levels, allowing heavy-set individuals to continue to exercise. If you are carrying a lot of body fat, stick with low to very low intensity aerobic work for longer periods of time. 50% of [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 39 Ilość wyświetleń: 7167 Data: 2003-01-20 11:56:44 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Cytaty zwycieżców

    Sztuki Walki

    [...] that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose. II. WAGING WAR 1. Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as many heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers, with provisions enough to carry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front, including [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 11 Ilość wyświetleń: 10854 Data: 2003-01-08 00:45:18 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • 2 cm w 3 tyg.

    Trening dla zaawansowanych

    [...] Biceps Curl: Sit on a bench and rest a barbell in your lap. Take a shoulder-width underhand grip on the bar and curl it upward toward your chin. Use a weight that is so heavy you can only perform eight reps. This exercise allows you to use more weight than you normally would because the seated position limits the range of motion. Try to curl [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 10 Ilość wyświetleń: 1974 Data: 2002-12-11 22:06:11 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)